Attention all Archstats Users!
Since Eric has left the dev team, and in addition will no longer be working on Archstats, I have adopted the project. In the process, archstats will be relocating to:
The cutover to the new location will occur on July 1st, 2005 at approximately 6:00 UTC.
Because the server location is hardcoded into the binary, all current Archstats users will have to update their Archstats package in order for it to continue working after the cutover, as the old site ( will be coming down around the same time. The new archstats package will be released one day before the cutover, to allow time to upgrade. However, I request that you do not update your stats, nor sign up during this time, as the server will be rejecting these requests until the cutover.
Thanks for your patience during the transition, and I hope that the bright and shining Archstats can continue on into the future.