Hello everyone!
As you may have heard, the Arch logo as we know it is going the way of the dodo! We are refreshing our graphical identity, and in that spirit we're having a logo competition, open to the entire Arch community!
We want to know what you think of when you think Arch Linux - what logo do you think would best suit the distribution we've all come to love?
Submission guidelines are as follows:
- Anyone can submit as many logo concepts as they wish
- Entry is freeform, with no need to base it on current logo. Be creative!
- For the sake of moving the competition along, artists will maintain the rights to their works until the completion of the competition, when we've decided what to do with license issues.
Per submission, you will need:
- SVG sources for logo preferred. If you don't know how to make SVG logos, but have a great idea, visit this thread; foxbunny has graciously stepped up to help with logo concepts.
- Fill out the following on this submission sheet (courtesy of foxbunny)
- Name (or alias)
- Main logo areas (white/black/neutral BG)
- 2-colour or Black version
- 128x128px and 16x16px icon version
- Colour palette used
All other fields are optional - you do not need them to create a submission, and omission of those options will not count negatively against you.
Submit completed submission sheet attached in an email to travis AT tyrtyr.thefun.eu.org. They will be posted in this thread; two weeks after the date of this post, we will collect all submissions in that thread and judge.
Judging will be the job of the Developers, and will proceed as follows:
All submissions will be posted to the [arch-dev] private mailing list, and developers will give their +1 to those logos they like. They may add a +1 to more than one submission - once all developers are accounted for, the logo with the most +1 votes will win.
Should multiple logo submissions tie for first place, those entries will be announced to the community, and we will have a community vote on the forums. The logo voted highest in this case will be the winner.
Additionally, we'll want to use the logo for additional media - CD labels or wallpapers, for example. If the winning author hasn't provided any, they will be given a chance after the competition is over to create this artwork, if they want. Basically, no need to get it done before the judging, if you want to do it, so don't worry! :)
Please note: there are also threads for logo concept discussion and for showing off possible concepts, without entering them into the competition. Feel free to make use of them.
Good luck to all participants, and have fun!
NOTE: There has been some recent concern about entries by developers, since it is the developers themselves voting. This was never forbidden at the beginning of the contest, and so the rules will not be modified for this halfway through; developer entries are allowed, and will be treated on exactly equal merit as any other entry. Rest-assured, there is no reason for favouritism in this contest - if we wanted an explicitly developer-made logo, we would have simply done so, so there's no reason to choose a dev's submission simply because they are a dev. :)